A Moment of Decision

Recently a friend of mine told me she overheard something that could lead to a very painful outcome for a colleague. My friend was afraid to approach her colleague for fear that she might be “shot” as the messenger of bad news. And yet, her conscience gnawed at...

Exercise, back at it!

I recently started exercising vigorously again after almost a year, having sustained a couple of injuries and then having knee surgery. It was challenging to get back into the routine, as I wasn’t used to spending the extra time in the morning, and it was too easy to...
Misguided assumptions

Misguided assumptions

A colleague for whom I have immense respect suggested that we facilitate a retreat together. I was quite honored and excited about the idea and immediately started thinking of topics. She suggested that we discuss the idea by phone and so I emailed her several...
Living life, a day at a time

Living life, a day at a time

I love participating in retreats for several reasons, either to regain balance after a difficult life situation or transition, to connect with a like-minded community with a common bond or interest, or simply to continue moving forward in my personal growth and...